Everyday Germany

Shaun + Nina

Gendering in German

2023-07-28 30 min

Description & Show Notes

Nina and Shaun discuss the recent focus on gender-neutral language in German.

"Gendering" in German ("gendern") is done in written German to make a word more inclusive. For example: "Mitarbeiter" is the general word for "co-workers", but the word has a male gender. To make it more representative, Germans often add "innen" at the end to include women. Thus, the word becomes "mitarbeiter_innen" (sometimes with an asterisk instead of an underscore).

In a recent court case, a VW worker sued employees at Audi, a child company, for using gendered language in written communication. Shaun and Nina discuss the outcome of the case, and also what gendering actually means.

The news report they discuss: German court rules against employee
The Charter of Diversity: https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/en/

The podcast will be on a summer break; new episodes coming again in September 2023!

Contact us: info@everydaygermany.de
Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Everyday Germany on YouTube
Music + Artwork by Adrian Bran

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